Jazz Funk (Ages 7-12)

January 18, 2018 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Paradise Dance Studio
29 Shipman St. #202
Nadia Schlosser

Jazz Funk, also called Street Jazz, borrows a lot of movement from other dance styles. From ballet-modern-hip hop- to lyrical, jazz funk incorporates little bits and pieces of other dance genres and wraps into a funky style that is both fun and expressive! This commercial dance style derives from Hip Hop and Commercial Jazz Dancing (Think Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson, Prince and Michael Jackson). These choreographies have often highly syncopated musicality and involve intricate movements certain to challenge young minds. This class will combine elements of funk jazz and introduce the fluid movements/elements of the contemporary/lyrical jazz style. Students are encouraged to work together as a team and push themselves further physically each week all the while remembering to just have fun and let loose.



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